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The 67-1A Liquid Environment Transport (or RDA Boat) is a watercraft manufactured and used by the RDA. The RDA boat was designed to transport goods and personnel over a liquid environment. This includes Terran H20 and other off-Earth liquids of greater or lesser viscosity. The model 67-1A is a four-man craft that provides armed escort for larger transports. Although the boat has seen most of its action in Terran waters, it has been used on Pandora to convey small teams of field operators, Avatars, or scientists to sites on islands or banks.

There are seats for two pilots, each with plug-in capabilities to operate the targeting/firing system for the twin twenty caliber, twenty millimeter sentry guns that provide the primary defense.

The 67-1A can also function as a stealth rescue boat, with its high speed maneuverability making it ideal for night missions. With its patented "hush mode" engine, anti-tracking systems and low physical profile, it can penetrate hostile territory without detection by audio or visual sensors, or by radar or sonar soundings. The RDA boat is capable of moving in all directions and possesses radar, sonar and GPS.


The rudderless 67-1A boat utilizes the latest air foil technology on either side of its rear-mounted engine to steer the craft across a fluid surface. In addition, it features twin exhaust ports mounted at the edges of the stern plate. By varying the pressure of the fluid expelled out the individual exhaust ports the boat can be steered. Without the necessity of a rudder, the boat has a much shallower draft that allows it to traverse swamp-like environs where there is thick undergrowth and little fluid depth.

There is one wide-body, impact-resistant seat with two passive restraint pad and headrests, providing enough space for two passengers. There are also two padded benches with hand-hold straps located toward the bow just behind the storage compartments. The compartments can store up to three hundred kilograms of supplies.

The air spoils are operated by computer-assisted hydraulics tied to the pilot's handgrip. The defensive stealth technology includes a sonar/radar anti-detection decoy launcher, jamming technology, and diversionary "ghost" signaling. The composites used to manufacture the surface of the hull and air spoils are radar-absorbent, and the low profile and angling on all detectable surfaces help to deflect any motion-mass sensor technology.


The RDA boat features twin side-mounted thirty-millimeter, thirty-caliber sentry guns stationed on port and starboard sides, which is supported by a helmet-mounted “look and lock” target system or manual trigger. For the driver, it has two head-up displays for control of weapons systems and navigation.

