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I walk a path I did not choose.
Arvok about his duty to challenge Jake Sully.

Arvok te Rongloa Ateyitan [3] is a Na'vi from the Omatikaya clan and the younger brother of Tsu'tey. He was exiled from the clan.


Early Life (Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path)[]

Arvok was raised alongside his brother, Tsu'tey, by their parents Ateyo and Artsut. Arvok spoke of how Tsu'tey was the favored son of the two, and that he had to earn a place in his parents' hearts, whereas it was given freely to Tsu'tey. As Tsu'tey became an excellent hunter and was eventually chosen as the heir to Eytukan, Arvok lived under his shadow. Tsu'tey was protective of Arvok, apprehensive about letting him undergo Iknimaya.

Later Life (Avatar: The Next Shadow)[]

Two weeks following the battle at the Tree of Souls, Ateyo is still angered over Jake Sully becoming Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, believing Arvok to be the rightful heir despite Tsu'tey's dying wishes. He and Artsut had hatched a plan to make Arvok the new clan leader in place of Jake Sully by having Arvok challenge Jake to battle. Ateyo summons Arvok to discuss the plan with him in a clearing overlooking the ruins of Hometree.

Arvok from the beginning is apprehensive of this plan, instead insisting they try helping Jake and asking Ateyo to give Jake his guidance. Ateyo refuses, stating it is Arvok's duty to save the People from the path Jake is leading them down. Arvok, knowing his brother had seen good in Jake, breaks down in tears and argues killing Jake would not quell the anger he felt over his brother's death. Ateyo ultimately convinces Arvok to undergo the plan by reassuring him that he could fight Jake in non-lethal ritual combat. Unbeknownst to Arvok, however, it is Ateyo and Artsut's plan to have Jake killed all along, secretly lacing Arvok's knife in a deadly poison.

Challenging Jake[]

After ritualistically killing a tetrapteron and using its blood as war paint, Arvok prepares himself for his battle with Jake Sully, though he is still conflicted about the circumstances; he reminisces about feeling as though he was following a path set for him, rather than one he had chosen, and is wary of disrespecting his brother's legacy by betraying a Toruk Makto.

Arvok appears alongside his father in a healing area to formally challenge Jake, invoking the rite of First Blood as Ateyo and Artsut watch gleefully. After Mo'at informs Jake of the meaning of the challenge, he agrees to fight Arvok against Mo'at's advice.

First Blood[]

With Ka'ani's help, Jake prepares for the battle, though both Ka'ani and Norm Spellman are wary of it. Meanwhile, despite the victor of the challenge only needing to draw blood once to win, Ateyo and Artsut encourage Arvok to continue striking Jake even after winning to humiliate him.

Jake Sully vs Arvok,

Arvok fighting Jake.

Jake nonchalantly accepts the challenge, and his humorous and non-serious attitude toward the fight enrages Arvok, who remarks that Jake would "choke on his arrogance" and charges at him angrily. Jake easily gets the upper hand against the less experienced Arvok, cutting him on his arm and becoming the victor of the First Blood. Arvok is still furious, and after the battle had already ended, he thoughtlessly throws his knife toward Jake, still not knowing it had been poisoned by Artsut. Jake catches the blade in his hand and was cut by it, allowing the poison to seep into his system. He collapses in front of Mo'at as Artsut and Ateyo break into a cheer and declare themselves the new clan leaders.

When challenged about Arvok going against the First Blood and murdering Jake, Artsut and Ateyo lie and blame Arvok for poisoning his own knife. Arvok, hurt and confused by his parents' betrayal, flees into the forest with a group of warriors pursuing him.

Artsut later discovers him hiding behind a waterfall, but Arvok is still angry about her betrayal and initially refuses to return with her and face trial for the crime of killing Jake, who he still did not know was alive and fighting the poison. Artsut convinces him that under her and Ateyo's rule, they would be merciful to their son and send him to a clan that would not know about or judge him for his crime.[4] He reluctantly follows them back to the Tree of Souls in time to see Jake recover from his coma after receiving an antidote; while Artsut and Ateyo are horrified, Arvok seems pleased, remarking that all things are possible through Eywa.

Reconciling with the Clan[]

Arvok leaves his parents side

Arvok leaves his parents side.

Following Jake's return from the brink of death, the other Omatikaya members are swift to call for punishment of Arvok and his parents, but Jake seeks a merciful path for them. Arvok recalls the Mangkwan clan that Artsut had spoken of, a clan who would accept them despite their crimes. With Jake and Mo'at in agreement, Arvok and his parents are exiled and they begin traveling to the Mangkwan clan together. After night sets in, they pause their journey to make camp and discuss their plans, but Arvok, who is still upset over his parents' betrayal of him, tells them he would not be joining them for the rest of the journey knowing now that following them will only lead him to more ruin. He tells them to continue that path without him while he will follow his own path instead. Ateyo is upset by this, though Artsut is indifferent and says Arvok was slowing them down anyway. Arvok mounts his direhorse and rides off into the night, and his future from there is unknown.

Personality and Traits[]

Arvok, in comparison to his brother Tsu'tey, is more sensitive and emotional; unlike his brother's indomitable will and outspoken nature, Arvok appears far more reserved and dutifully obeys his parents and their will, likely because Tsu'tey was more appreciated naturally by their parents, and Arvok had to work harder to gain their affection. Tsu'tey seemed to have learned early on of his parents' manic and controlling nature and learned to avoid it, but it took longer for Arvok to understand this and defy his parents' will, as he mentions before challenging Jake.

Like his brother, Arvok is strongly devoted to his clan and was willing to sacrifice his own wishes to fulfill what he believed was his duty to the Omatikaya. Initially, Arvok trusted his brother's judgment of Jake Sully, disagreeing with his father's assertion that Jake was leading the Omatikaya down a dangerous path. He did not want to go through with the plan and was enraged when he learned his parents had set him up to kill Jake, but believing Jake's demotion would be beneficial for his clan, followed along with the plan anyway. Following the truth about his parents coming to light, Arvok decided it was better for the clan that they leave since he and his parents had risked the Omatikaya's future, and accepted his consequence of exile from the clan.

Arvok overcomes the influence of his parents when he sees how they used him for their own gain; he ultimately leaves them behind to pursue his own path.


Despite never having appeared to complete his hunter training or undergo Iknimaya, Arvok displayed prowess with a bow when he managed to shoot and kill a tetrapteron as it flew midair. In contrast, his inexperience as a fighter led to his swift defeat at the hands of Jake.


Memorable Quotes[]

  • My anger still burns. For my brother. A tiny fire in my chest. - Arvok to his father.
  • I have come to strike the scales from our eyes. - Arvok as he challenges Jake to First Blood.
  • You will choke on your arrogance. - Arvok before charging Jake.
  • You vrrtep! - Arvok enraged at Jake's victory.
  • You did not lose me! You sacrificed me! - Arvok to Artsut regarding her betrayal.
  • Through Eywa all things are possible. Have you two not figured that out yet? - Arvok to his parents after they see Jake awake from his coma.
  • She does not speak for me. - Arvok regarding his mother.
  • No. Every path I follow you down leads to ruin. You can walk this one without me. - Arvok to his parents after they are exiled from the Omatikaya.
  • You lost me the moment you put that blade in my hand. - Arvok in response to Ateyo before they go their separate ways.


Title Format Release date Details
Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path Comic book January 16, 2019 Mentioned only.
Avatar: The Next Shadow Comic book January 6, 2021

