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Conrad Olson is a commander for a private military corporation, Interstellar Security Management Ltd. He was assigned to the Lockhart Base where he supervised a unit of scientists and prospectors searching for the Pandoran mineral unobtanium. Conrad is one of the few commanders in the corporation with a doctorate in xenopathology.


Conrad's Avatar

Sean Wallen worked for Conrad as a head of security at Lockhart and was involved in the extermination of the Anurai clan. It is unknown if Conrad was aware of Sean's plans or if it was all Sean's idea. Conrad was worried that humans might have brought a disease to Pandora that transmits to the native fauna, but no more development was seen in that area.

After Rai'uk destroyed several human bases, Conrad told Wallen to take back the artifacts he stole from the Anurai and hoped that this would stop the Na'vi. After Wallen and several other Conrad's men were killed by Rai'uk, he linked into his avatar body and attacked the Li'ona clan's village. Rai'uk stepped in and killed Conrad's avatar.

