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Earl appears in the comics Avatar: The Next Shadow and Avatar: The High Ground.


Avatar: The Next Shadow[]

Earl is one of the humans who stayed on Pandora after the RDA was driven off. One time he was letting off steam by shooting at a vehicle that the Na'vi had destroyed along with Katherine Hale and Nash McCosker.[3]

Avatar: The High Ground[]

Under duress of the RDA's threats, Earl conspired with McCosker and Frances Ardmore to betray the Sully family when they were in outer space. Either Earl or McCosker proceeded to murder Meg Elkins at Hell's Gate. Earl then presumably rejoined the RDA after, although it is unknown what became of him.


Title Format Release date Details
Avatar: The Next Shadow Comic book February 6, 2021 Issue 2 (digital) - Page #: 6, 8-9
September 1, 2021 Trade paperback (digital) - Page #: 31, 33-34
Avatar: The High Ground Comic book November 2, 2022


  1. Earl's eyebrows are colored black.
  2. Specificity is based on clothing.
  3. Avatar: The Next Shadow Issue #2