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Ma 'ite, tskoti munge. Omatikayaru tìhawnu sivi. (Daughter, take... my... bow. Protect The People.)
A dying Eytukan to his daughter Neytiri in the Na'vi language.

Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan was the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan, the mate of Mo'at, the father of his two daughters, Neytiri and Sylwanin, the father-in-law of Jake Sully and the maternal grandfather of Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuktirey.

Eytukan was responsible for the overall leadership of the Omatikaya clan on Pandora during the RDA occupation. Under his and Mo'at's instructions, their daughter, Neytiri, trained Jake Sully in the lifestyle of the Na'vi. He was killed during the Destruction of the Hometree by falling wood, which impaled him through the chest.


Mystery Disease (Avatar: Adapt or Die)[]

Eytukan in Adapt or Die

Eytukan believes the Sky People poisoned their children.

During the 2140s, when Grace Augustine is given the idea to open a school for the Na'vi to learn from the Sky People, Eytukan argues with Mo'at and opposes Grace's idea of opening a school, but Mo'at says the children should decide. After Mo'at and some children visited Hell's Gate, several children suddenly fall ill. Enraged, Eytukan blames the Sky People for his ailment: he believes they deliberately poisoned the children.

As the disease worsened, Eytukan constantly argues with Mo'at, trying to convince her of the Sky People's evil intentions, but she believes in their innocence and tries to find a cure. It soon turns out that some time before, while hunting alone near the human base, Eytukan witnessed a couple of RDA employees dumping a strange substance into the stream. In his opinion, water contaminated in this way could have poisoned the children.

Mo'at, with the help of Grace, was able to develop a cure and heal the sick children and Eytukan reluctantly allowed the school to open.

Death of Sylwanin[]

In 2152, his daughter Sylwanin was killed by the RDA, prompting the closure of the school and leading to the decision by Eytukan and Mo'at's to ban the Sky People from the clan entirely.

Meeting Jake Sully (Avatar & Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path)[]

Eytukan in the presence of Jake Sully

Eytukan in the presence of Jake Sully.

In 2154 after a sign from Eywa, Neytiri took Jake Sully to Omatikaya Hometree to be judged by her father and her mother. At first, Eytukan was angered by Jake's presence as he had forbade all humans from entering Hometree after his eldest daughter, Sylwanin, and many other children were killed by humans. But after an inspection from Mo'at, he began to show an interest in him. He prevented Tsu'tey from killing Jake when the latter explained that he was a warrior. The Omatikaya clan had never previously encountered an avatar controlled by a human warrior, and Eytukan viewed this as an opportunity to learn more about the Sky People as they made it clear they were not going away anytime soon. It was decided that Neytiri would teach Jake the ways of the Na'vi.

Later, Eytukan proposed that two of Tsu'tey's apprentices, Saeyla and Ka'ani, were ready to undergo Iknimaya. Jake joined them, and all three completed the rite of passage.[1]

Now you are Omatikaya

Eytukan accepts Jake as part of his people.

Eytukan, along with Mo'at, was partially responsible for Jake's adoption into the clan. After conducting Jake's initiation ceremony, he seemed to have respect for Jake, treating him as one of his own people.

Destruction of the Hometree and Death[]

When the Trees of Voices were destroyed by RDA bulldozers, Eytukan ordered Tsu'tey to gather a war party and destroy the bulldozers in retaliation. Grace attempted to reason with Tsu'tey, but was dismissed. Jake and Neytiri arrived at Hometree shortly after, but Jake was disconnected from his avatar body before he could persuade the Omatikaya not to attack. Eytukan continued plotting the attack with Tsu'tey and asked where Neytiri was, insisting she should join the party and fight for her people[2] until Jake returned to his avatar and warned Eytukan that the RDA was coming to destroy Hometree.

Eytukan before destroy of Hometree

Eytukan after binding Jake and Grace.

When Jake revealed to the clan that he was sent by the RDA to learn the ways of the Na'vi with the intention of persuading them to leave their home and that he knew of the RDA's planned assault, Eytukan was enraged along with the rest of the clan. He lost faith in Jake and had both him and Grace bound and prepared the Omatikaya warriors for the defense of the Hometree. Following the arrival of the RDA forces at Hometree, Eytukan and Tsu'tey ordered the Omatikaya warriors to fight back despite a restrained Jake and Grace's pleas for the clan to run into the forest. At Eytukan's command, the clan's warriors bravely attempted to pierce the cockpit glass of the RDA fleet with their bows and arrows, and Tsu'tey and his accomplices were ordered to attack the vessels from above on their banshees.

Death of Eytukan

A dying Eytukan gives Neytiri his bow and tells her to protect the people.

However, the clan's arrows had little effect on the vessels and the banshee riders could not launch a counter-attack in time. When the fleet switched to incendiary rounds, Eytukan realized that they were no match for the human firepower and ordered everyone to flee into the woods as he entered Hometree to evacuate those who were still inside from the flames. Eytukan was fatally wounded when a splinter of the Hometree, sent flying by the rocket explosions, penetrated his torso. As he lay dying, he handed over his ceremonial bow to his grieving daughter, Neytiri, and told her to protect the clan. He was succeeded as Olo'eyktan by Tsu'tey.

Eytukan's body buried in the Tree of Souls

Eytukan buried in the Tree of Souls.

Following the destruction of hometree, Tsu'tey discovered Eytukan's body and was grief-stricken. With the help of his clanmates, Eytukan's body was brought to the Tree of Souls to be buried amongst the roots, Mo'at wishing that Eywa would grow a new tree over the bodies of each of the fallen. Furthermore, Eytukan and Atan, among other deceased, were remembered by Tsu'tey and his apprentices before the start of the consciousness transfer ritual; That night, the spirits of Eytukan and Sylwanin were also near the Tree of Souls, praying to Eywa to allow Grace to live among the people.[3]

Post-Death (Avatar: The Next Shadow)[]

Eytukan appears to Jake

Eytukan appears to Jake within Eywa, telling him he does not deserve to die.

Two weeks later, after Jake is poisoned and put into a coma, Eytukan's consciousness appeared to him along with Tsu'tey and other fallen members of the Omatikaya from the Pandoran Neural Network while Jake was unconsciously connected to the Tree of Souls. After Jake was tormented by his guilt-ridden visions, Eytukan appeared to tell Jake he does not deserve to suffer.

Jake tearfully asked Eytukan for his help because his soul is sick. Eytukan removed the bloody piece of bark embedded in him, the bark that caused his original death, and told Jake that only his body is poisoned, but that he was not merely his body. Eytukan told Jake that Eywa did not only chose him to lead the Na'vi, but to join in their cycle of life as well. Eytukan and Tsu'tey encouraged the guilt-stricken Jake to forgive himself for his mistakes, reassuring him that Neytiri chose him and that Jake is truly one of the People. This helped Jake to free himself from his nightmare.

During challenging times, Jake would visit Eytukan's memory at the Tree of Voices for guidance.[4]

Legacy (Avatar: The Way of Water)[]

Bow break

Neytiri's bow breaks.

A decade and a half later, Neytiri briefly mentioned her father while having an argument with Jake about leaving the Omatikaya, holding the bow he gave her on his deathbed and vowing to protect the clan. She was forced to leave her home to fulfill his last wish, hiding with his family in the Metkayina clan when the RDA returned. During the skirmish at the Three Brothers, Neytiri accidentally ends up breaking her father's bow while trying to save Kiri and Tuktirey.

Personality and Traits[]

Eytukan mortally wounded

A dying Eytukan orders Neytiri to protect the clan instead of saving himself.

Eytukan was a good leader who cared greatly for the welfare of his clan. During the destruction of the Hometree, he told Neytiri to leave him and went into the burning Hometree to rescue as many Na'vi as he could, though his bravery cost him his life. He loved his mate, Mo'at, and his daughter, Neytiri, although he sometimes had problems with his headstrong daughter. Though they had some creases in their relationship, Neytiri was heartbroken when he died, crying over his body. With his dying words, Eytukan requested that Neytiri take his bow and take care of the clan.

Eytukan seemed to get along fairly well with Jake Sully and respected the avatar, who respected him in turn. He allowed Jake to speak and listened while he explained the RDA's upcoming assault. However, Eytukan hated treachery and was enraged when Jake revealed that he had been assigned by the RDA to spy on the Omatikaya, and ordered both Jake and Grace to be bound. Eytukan was determined to defend Hometree against the RDA forces and tried in vain to prevent its destruction.


Eytukan wielded his bow and shot arrows upon the RDA fleet in defense of the Hometree along with the Omatikaya warriors. However, it is unknown how skilled he was with the bow.


In the Games[]

Avatar: Pandora Rising[]


In Avatar: Pandora Rising.

As Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, Eytukan is not only one of the most seasoned hunters in the clan, but also a respected elder amongst all the Na'vi. His proficiency with the bow and arrow is unmatched amongst the hunters, and when Eytukan speaks, whether in joy or to command, the clan listens without question.


Eytukan Minecraft

Eytukan in Minecraft

  • In the original script (Project 880), Eytukan's name was "Mato'a Te Kaha Nahgoitewa" and his role was almost the same as in the movie: he was also opposed to Josh Sully learning the ways of the Na'vi and was one of the three who died during the destruction of the Hometree.[5]
  • He is the only major Na'vi character that did not speak English throughout the entire film.
  • Eytukan is a minor character in the comic Tsu'tey's Path who acts as Tsu'tey's mentor.
  • His full name was revealed for the first time in Tsu'tey's Path, although his name is misspelled as "Eykutan".[6]
  • Eytukan's model was datamined from the game Avatar: Reckoning, although why his model is in the game is unclear.
  • In 2024, he was added as a skin in Avatar: Rites of Passage, a Minecraft DLC.


Gallery eye See the image gallery for

Memorable Quotes[]

  • Ketepeu fahew akewong. (His alien smell fills my nose.) - Eytukan upon meeting Jake Sully.
  • Kehe! Fìou lu'awvue, uniltìranyu-tsamsiyu, a tsole'a awngal. Pori awngaru lu tìkin, a nume nì'ul. (No! This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen. We need to learn more about him.) - Eytukan preventing Tsu'tey from killing Jake after learning that he is a warrior.
  • Ngenga 'itan Omatikayaä luyu set. Na'viyä luyu haxpì. (You are now a son of the Omatikaya. You are part of The People.) - Inducting Jake into the clan.
  • Mefoti yìm. (Bind them.) - Eytukan ordering Jake and Grace to be bound after discovering Jake's original mission.
  • Ikranti makto. 'eko ta'em. (Take the ikran. Attack from above.) - Eytukan instructing Tsu'tey to gather the ikran riders to attack the RDA fleet from the air.
  • Ma 'ite, tskoti munge. Omatikayaru tìhawnu sivi. (Daughter, take my bow. Protect the people.) - Eytukan requesting that Neytiri defend the Omatikaya as his dying wish.


Title Format Release date Details
Avatar Film December 18, 2009 Portrayed by actor Wes Studi.
Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path Comic book January 16, 2019
Avatar: Pandora Rising Mobile game October 18, 2019 As a controllable Na'vi commander (hunter class).
Avatar: The Next Shadow Comic book January 6, 2021
Avatar: Adapt or Die Comic book May 11, 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water Film December 16, 2022 Mentioned only by Neytiri.
Avatar: Rites of Passage Video game December 5, 2024 As a deluxe character skin.

