A Heavy hide giant herbivore that use powerful sonic blasts to disorient nearby attackers.
Most commonly found in the Leaning Woods biome of the Heart of the Plains.
A massive and heavily protected creature, the Heartlands Colossus is easy to spot thanks to its unique sail-like crest. The crest can open, close, and adapt its angle to catch the powerful winds on the plains. These are funneled into a series of internal chambers which expand and then release the winds explosively, allowing it to produce a wave of intense sound and pressure that is loud enough to disorient or even incapacitate most living things.
The Colossus relies heavily on this extraordinary capability, as it is quite slow and does not have any real means of offense. It does, however, have extremely tough skin, and its sheer bulk makes it a challenge to the most tenacious of predators.
Mostly solitary, the Colossus will at times graze and travel with a single companion. Especially during these times, it can be observed using its crest not just for defense, but also as a means of communication.
Na'vi Culture[]
An old legend tells the story of a mountain that wished to see the world, so she asked the wind to help her out. The wind whittled down the mountain over many years, shaping it into the first Soundblast Colossus and setting it free to roam. The Soundblast Colossus has been best friends with the wind ever since.
The Na’vi make shields out of the Colossus’ thick hide, as well as flat sleds used to drag kills back to camp.