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The Na'vi leaf plate (Na'vi name: yomyo lerìk)[1] is a vessel on which a drinking bowl is carried to be served in social gatherings. They are also known as bowl carriers (Na'vi name: ulu'tah inib'sey mulsi).

Na'vi etiquette and tradition dictates that this plate is passed to every participant of a social gathering or ritual. One should not take the bowl on the plate, which is used for a mildly intoxicating drink, off the tray for his or her own use. Instead, one must hold the tray and allow another adjacent clan member to take the bowl and place it before the drinker. Only then can one drink from the bowl. During festive occasions, children enjoy following the tray around the circles so that they can be the one to place the bowl in front of the tray holder. [2]

Materials and Construction[]

Animal shell and bone, wood, reeds, twigs, and twine are formed into a wide shallow basket.[3]


  • The leaf plate was previously named "sumin jiit'luy" in the Activist Survival Guide.

