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Morgan was the first mate [2] of the SeaDragon who worked for the RDA's Cetacean Operations. He served under Captain Mick Scoresby.


Avatar: The Way of Water[]

Morgan served as a crew member aboard the SeaDragon, which was maintained by Captain Mick Scoresby. He was a part of hunting trips to kill tulkun, aquatic cetaceans which were killed to harvest amrita.

At some point, Colonel Recom Quaritch and the recombinants used the SeaDragon to locate Jake Sully and his family. Morgan is notified of their arrival by a fellow crew member, and repeats Scoresby's order to stop the ship to Ward. Sooner or later, Quaritch found Sully and took his kids hostage onboard the ship. While Sully went to surrender, a tulkun hopped onboard the ship and reeked havoc. Spider, who watched the havoc, joined in and bashed Ward with a fire extinguisher.

While the SeaDragon sank, Morgan ordered the crew to abandon ship, and orders the crew holding Spider to evacuate him as well. Morgan and multiple crew members left the deck of the ship and rushed towards the hull to escape on life floats. It is unknown if Morgan survived, as him giving the abandon ship order is the last time he is seen on screen.


  • Isaac Te Reina was credited as "Sea Dragon First Mate" for the film.
  • Morgan's name was never mentioned nor credited in the cast. His name was identified on the shirt he wore at the timestamp 1:38:56.


