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Pandoran Fauna is the animal world of Pandora.

Pandora's amazing but dangerous inhabitants continue to amaze scientists and delight humans. For example, the slinger is an incredible animal that can literally lose its mind chasing its prey, the medusa, a giant creature that floats under the clouds like a balloon, and the thanator, a dangerous land predator.

The bones of Pandoran animals are a composite that contains natural carbon fiber. Many fauna have adapted to life in a dense atmosphere with the help of a highly efficient respiratory system, which functions as a forced engine; The air enters through one hole and leaves through another.

Like Earth pre-Anthropocene, Pandora is home to a wide variety of species, from single-celled organisms to the intelligent Na'vi. One researcher noted that some of Pandora's animals, reminiscent of extinct land species, serve as a "window into our biological past." We are surprised by both the familiar features: the existence of herds, the presence of predators and herbivores, the structure of the food chain, and the strange ones: the tsaheylu between animals and the Na'vi, the composite skeletons and the widespread luminescence. Since almost all flora and fauna have disappeared from the face of the Earth, we are fascinated by deadly claws, chitinous shells, sharp teeth and poisonous stings.

Scientists who were lucky enough to go to Pandora consider the highlight of their careers to be able to observe this fauna with their own eyes, and for all other humans, the idea of the existence of such animals inspires hope for the future.

Common Features[]

With all the diversity of the animal world of Pandora, it is possible to identify common features in the structure of many species of creatures.


Pandora has low gravity, so the upper threshold for the size of terrestrial animals is higher than on Earth, and even the most gigantic creatures retain agility and mobility despite their more than respectable dimensions. The hammerhead titanothere can very quickly turn around and flee from the predator it sees, and the six-ton ​​thanator is capable of running fast and jumping high.

However, gigantism is not a necessary characteristic of the Pandoran fauna. A large number of relatively low species are present on the planet, such as viperwolves, prolemuris and tapirus.

Six Limbs[]

Most land animals have six legs, such as the hexapede. Two pairs of front legs are located along the chest and one pair behind, supporting the pelvis. The hexapede can be explained by Pandora's greater speed of movement and air density. Animals resist the wind when they walk or run by clinging to a support with an extra pair of legs.

Rare exceptions to the general structural scheme are associated with exceptional adaptation to flight (banshees) or with an arboreal lifestyle (prolemuris). It can also be assumed that the ancestors of the Na'vi lost their third pair of limbs in the second way.

Chitin Armor[]

Most of Pandora's large creatures are covered in chitinous armor that protects their bodies from damage. In especially large animals, such as the titanothere, this armor is so strong that it can withstand a bullet from a GAU-90.

Four Claws[]

Animals, including flying and hoofed species, have four claws on their limbs.

Two Pairs of Eyes[]

Most Pandora animals have four eyes: the main pair is primarily the organ of vision and the second, smaller pair captures infrared radiation.

Respiratory system[]

Pandora animals do not have nostrils in the usual earthly sense: they are replaced by special spiracles located in the chest area and providing the shortest access of oxygen to the lungs.

At least in some species, including the banshee, the entry of air into the lungs is controlled by a special cartilaginous valve, and the lung functions like a bellows: air enters the front and leaves the lungs behind, through gills. openings in the back of the sternum, so that in flight, banshees breathe not by inhaling and exhaling, but by continuous inhalation, like birds on Earth. On land, thanks to the valve mentioned above, the animal can switch to the breathing method of land animals: inhale-exhale. However, because of the direct respiratory access via the valve, there is no way for their bodies to warm the air or cool it, which makes this breathing adaptation only suitable for warm or hot climates. This would make many Pandoran animals highly vulnerable to colder or glacial conditions.

Since the head is not directly involved in breathing, a special muscular tube leading from the lungs is used to supply air to the vocal cords: by pumping air into it, animals can produce quite loud sounds.


On the head of all known Pandora vertebrates they have “Kuru”, two cartilaginous processes that begin at the temples and end in a small extension with nerve endings. Like the Na'vi braid, these processes contain nerve fibers and allow animals to bond with each other. In particular, a direhorse herd is described as moving more synchronously if the animals within it exchange neural signals more actively using processes.

The duration of the processes can vary greatly, which probably affects the sociality of a particular animal; for example, in Sturmbeests and Stingbats, the processes are quite short (these species probably depend on vocal, visual and olfactory signals to interact with their relatives), while in banshees and direhorses they extend beyond the neck.

Although the vast majority of animals have two neural tails, there are two known exceptions: the prolemurs and the Na'vi, only have a single neural tail.


Unlike Earth animals, which have a diverse array of skin layering such as scales and fur, most if not all Pandoran animals have smooth skin lacking any kind of outer layer protection, with the exception of armor. This is due to the fact that given the exponentially higher greenhouse composition in Pandora's biosphere, the global average temperature would already be significantly hotter than even Earth in it's dying state. Given the much higher temperature worldwide, Pandoran animals do not need insulation to regulate body temperature and are also most likely cold-blooded.

Carbon Fiber[]

The bones in these animals are reinforced with carbon fiber, which strengthens their skeletons and reduces the likelihood of fractures.


Terrestrial creatures[]

Name Image Description
Arrow Deer
(Na'vi: Winzaw)
Arrow Deer
A fast herbivore from the Upper Plains.
Appearances: Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.
Austrapede AVE
A flightless Pandoran bird that looks like a cross between an ostrich and a pink flamingo.
A huge animal with powerful dorsal armor and a plow-shaped head.
Bone Helm Rhino
A rather aggressive herbivore with an armored head that fiercely defends its territory.
Boulderlands Thanator
Boulderlands thanator
A subspecies of thanator found in the Great Roots of the Clouded Forest.
Chameleon Crawler
A Clouded Forest predator, capable of blending into its surroundings.
A camian turtle-like creature that appears in Avatar: Reckoning.
Cloaked Panther
Predator of the Upper Plains, it is capable of making long sliding jumps thanks to the membrane between its legs.
Crested Porcuboar
An animal covered with many thorns, found in the territory of the Anurai clan.
Similar to horses, with very long necks and small heads. They are approximately the size of an elephant.
Alpha Dodiapede
An omnivorous predatory bird-like creature that roams of packs of four to six. It tends to preys on small animals.
Echo Stalker
The Echo Stalker is practically blind, but it has the ability to echolocate, to find prey even in thick fog.
Fan Moose
Possibly Fan Moose
A large herbivore with enormous antlers, similar to elk.
Fanged Mongrel
Fanged Mongrel render
A ferocious saber-toothed predator, often hunting in pairs.
Feathered Grasslands Thanator
Feathered Grasslands Thanator
A subspecies of the thanador found in the Stone Warriors.
Flat Headed Capra
Flathead Ram
A mountain animal with a flattened head and enormous neck. Used as a mount.
Flat-Tailed Viperwolf
Flat-Tailed Viperwolf
Subspecies of viperwolf with a broad, flat tail that lives in swamps.
Great Austrapede
Great Austrapede
A relative of the Austrapede and a bird-like Pandoran creature.
Grody Grueller
A mountain predator with large claws on the front legs and a flat tail.
Hammerhead Titanothere
Hammerhad Titanothere
A large Pandorian herbivore, approximately eleven meters (36 ft) long, which is almost twice the size of a land elephant.
Heartlands Arrow Deer
Heartlands Arrow Deer
Arrow Deer subspecies
Heartlands Bladehead
Heartlands Bladehead
Subspecies of Bladehead
Heartlands Colossus
Heartlands Colossus
Subspecies of the Soundblast Colossus
Heartlands Cloaked Panther
Heartlands Cloaked Panther
Subspecies of the Cloaked Panther.
Heartlands Direhorse
Heartlands Direhorse
A subspecies of the direhorse
Hexapede in A Visual Exploration
Some of the most beautiful and fragile creatures on Pandora.
Highland Lizard
Highland Lizard
An reptilian creature appearing in Avatar: Reckoning. It is similar to the Sharptooth Lizard.
Herbivorous creatures living in mountainous regions of Pandora.
Kinglor Wetlands Thanator
Kinglor Wetlands Thanator
A subspecies of the thanator in Kinglor Forest.
Leucomelas Viperwolf
Leucomelas costatus
A subspecies of viperwolf with a white and gray coloration and the ability to emit static flashes.
Meer Deer
Meer deer
A cautious herbivore of the Clouded Forest, whose fat is valued for its medicinal properties.
Similar to pachyderm animals.
Pandora Crocodile
Pandora Crocodile
A crocodile-like creature.
Petrified Forest Thanator
Petrified Forest Thanator
A subspecies of the thanator found in A Fool's Retreat.
Platebacked Lizard
Platebacked Lizard
An insectivorous lizard-like creature.
Prolemuris render
Arboreal animal similar to a monkey: its forelimbs are fused up to the elbow.
Red Crested Climber
A relative of the Dodiapede, found in the mountainous regions of Pandora.
Saber Hog
Saber render
Creatures with brown skin and orange chitinous armor covering their backside. They have notably massive lower canines, which earn them their name.
Sailfin Goliath
Sailfin Goliath
A giant beast found in the Clouded Forest.
Sharptooth Lizard
Sharptooth Lizard Side
A swamp predator that spits poison at its enemies.
Self Exploding Spider
Self Exploding Spider
Insect like a spider.
It is one of the strangest and most dangerous creatures discovered so far on Pandora.
A snake-like creature native to the lands of the Anurai clan.
Soundblast Colossus
Soundblast Colossus
A huge animal from the Upper Plains.
Spiny Capra
Sharp-Horned Ram
A shy mountain herbivore raised as a pet by the Rey'tanu clan.
Steervane model
Similar to a cross between a hexapede and a sturmbeest, with the latter's distinctive head-shape, but a slimmer body and two protruding yellow crests branching off of the sides of its head.
Sturmbeest Herd
A large buffalo-like herbivore.
Scarab Crawler
A gregarious predator from the Kinglor Forest, protecting its own back with a flat, tail-like shell.
Stone Rapids Scarab Crawler
Stone Rapids Scarab Crawler
Subspecies of the Scarab Crawler
Stilted Hexapede
Emerald Hexapede 2
Subspecies of the hexaped that lives in the swamps, it is distinguished by its green color and its long legs.
Tapirus render
Is a docile, herbivorous tapir-like creature.
A dangerous predator native to the forests of Pandora.
A carnivore similar to a six-legged hyena or wolf
Wasp Viperwolf
Costatus velox
A subspecies of the viperwolf with black and yellow colors and camouflage abilities.
Wetland Viperlizard
Wetland Viperlizard
Whipfang Crawler
A dangerous predator of the Clouded Forest that spits poison.
White Moss Forest Thanator
White Moss Forest Thanator
A subspecies of thanator found in the Bayun Pines of the Clouded Forest.
Wind Scorpion
Wind Scorpion
A bug-like creature
A lizard-like animal that can quickly move away from a threat.
A giant creature from the Upper Plains.

Flying creatures[]

Name Image Description
a bird-like creatures found in the Kinglor Forest and the Upper Plains.
Dorado Verde
The smallest species of gull-like banshee, found on the islands in the waters of Pandora.
Forest Banshee
Forest Banshee concept art
A small species of banshee, it nests in small groups. It is the favorite prey of the Great Leonopteryx.
Goliath Bat
Anurai Bat
An Anurai bat, possibly a relative of the Tetrapteron.
Great Leonopteryx
Toruk roaring
Pandora's largest flying predator, kept alone or in pairs. Sacred animal in Na'vi mythology.
Great Western Tetrapteron
Great Western Tetrapteron
A large species of tetrapteron from the Western Frontier.
Heartlands Stormglider
Heartlands Stormglider
A subspecies of the Stormglider
Heartlands Ikran
Heartlands Ikran
A subspecies of the Ikran
Lamp Lizard
Lamp lizard
A lizard-like forest creature. Able to inflate and float in the air.
Luna Tetrapteron
Luna Tetrapteron
A species of tetrapteron found in swamps.
Mountain Banshee
They are large aerial predators and nest in numerous colonies in predominantly mountainous areas. Used by the Na'vi as a mount.
Pandora Vulture
Pandora Vulture
A flying creature similar to a vulture.
Stingbat in A Visual Exploration
A small predator that lives in packs similar to a bat. Characterized by an extremely low level of intelligence.
The largest flying predator in the Western Frontier, armed with a poisonous tail.
Medium-sized semi-aquatic animal that lives in numerous flocks.

Aquatic creatures[]

Name Image Description
A ferocious and relatively little-known aquatic predator related to the nalutsa.
Angel Sperm
Angel sperm
Marine fish with long fins that look like wings.
Avatarpandorapedia Buoyfish
A freshwater fish with a pair of bubbles that allow it to float in the water column.
Kiri looks at chandelier
a gelatinous organism of the oceans of Pandora
Charybdis N/A It is yet to be seen.
An aquatic creature similar to the crocodile.
Dinicthoid in A Visual Exploration
Carnivorous fish that lives in rivers and lives in numerous schools.
Flat Skate Fish
Flate Skate Fish
Flat sea fish with a double tail.
Hammerbrow Fish
Sea fish with a hammer-shaped head.
Ilu in A Visual Exploration
A relatively harmless aquatic animal that feeds mainly on fish. The Na'vi of the ocean ride on them.
Flat-bodied freshwater fish.
Mudcrawler Fish
Mudcrawler Fish
Freshwater fish that can move to land for a short time.
A formidable predator that lives mainly in the shelf zone of the Pandora oceans.
Octofin Fish
Octofin Fish
Freshwater fish with a flattened body and four pairs of fins.
Rockbeak Fish
Rockbeak Day
Small aquatic creatures with bodies shaped like elongated spheres.
Pincer Fish
Pincer Fish in A Visual Exploration
Sea fish with unusual growths on its head that look like horns.
Skimwing closeup
A flying marine predator similar to a Terran flying fish. Used by Metkayina as a war mount.
Squid Concept
Squid is a mollusc that lives in the reefs of Pandora. It has a similar appearance as Terran squids.
Slow swimming marine fish with shiny fins.
Spade Wing
Spade Wing
Marine fish with a flattened body and powerful front fins, similar to a stingray.
Snapper Adult
An amphibian creature resembling a giant turtle.
Fish with large triangular fins and long tail.
Turtapede Juvenile Male
An amphibian animal that resembles a cross between a turtle and a starfish.
A large, intelligent marine species native to the oceans. The Metkayina clan views them as brothers.

Invertebrate creatures[]

Name Image Description
Atlas Beetle
Atlas Beetle
A hard-shelled insect, similar to the Atlas beetle insect.
Arachnoid tWoA
A large scorpion-like insect with a poisonous sting that lives mainly in forests. The Na'vi use arachnoid venom during Uniltaron.
Bladewing Moth
Bladewing Moth
Bladewing moths are relatives of the kinglor.
Cerebellis Scapularis
Cerebellis Scapularis Photo
A small aquatic arthropod that lives in symbiosis with the sagittaria.
Creepy Crawler
Creepycrawler discoverpandora
A Pandoran insect that resembles a centipede or even the extinct Arthropleura due to its immense size.
Crescent Wing
Firefly Day
An insect that can be found flying in swarms in the Upper Plains and Kinglor Forest.
Cuirass Crab
Cuirass Crab in A Visual Exploration
Similar in appearance to a Terran horseshoe crab.
Fan Lizard
Fan Lizard in A Visual Exploration
Small nocturnal creature, flies using an unrolling bioluminescent membrane.
Flutterflowers are flying insects they have fine, delicate wings, enabling it to glide elegantly through the air with minimal effort.
Flying Lily
Flying Lily Concept Art
An insect that can can be found flying in swarms in the Upper Plains, usually near water.
Hellfire Wasp
A large flying insect with a double sting that gathers in large swarms.
Horned Teylu
Horned Teylu
Large insects, coated in bright, fluffy fur.
A species of large moth prized by the RDA for its incredibly durable silk.
Kaleidoscope Butterfly
Kaleidoscope butterfly
Predominantly found in caves and dark places across the Western Frontier, Kaleidoscope Butterflies are known for their distinctive, eye-catching bioluminescent wings.
Lantern Beetle
Lantern beetle
Quadrupedal insects that have evolved from hexapods.
Mantis N/A A large insect that lives in symbiosis with the mantis orchid.
Moonscarab render
An insect with moon shaped wings.
Reef Tick
Reef Tick in A Visual Exploration
A multi-segmented underwater insect-like creature
Ripper Wasp
Ripper Wasp
Ripper wasps are dangerous insects that actively attack anything they consider a threat to their hive.
Shimmyfly in A Visual Exploration
A butterfly-like insect with large, beautiful bioluminescent wings.
The shroud bug is like a mix of a beetle and a dragonfly with a large egg sac on its back.
Sky Leech
Sky Leech swarm
Sky Leeches are airborne insects living at high altitudes.
Flying Creature 1
A flying insect similar to a butterfly.
Stagfly Ant
Stagfly Ant
A tiny but durable flying insect that lives in hives. It has two pairs of feet for scurrying around its hive, and two pairs of wings, enabling it to fly in search of fruits to eat.
They resemble centipedes, while the soft and nutritious teylu are one of the Na'vi's main food sources.
Tiger Cricket
Tiger Cricket
An insect that can be found in the Upper Plains.
Trickster Mantis
Trickster Mantis
A colorful insect that can easily be mistaken for a flower due to its vivid patterns and peculiar curved form.
Unknown Bug
Unknown bug
A bug that appeared briefly in Avatar: The Next Shadow
Veilswarm art
Bird-like creatures that travel in large swarms, flying in a constant, unbreaking formation.

Other invertebrate[]

Name Image Description
Colonial aquatic animal, similar in lifestyle to terrestrial polyps.
Coronet Snail
Coronet snail guide
A small gastropod, abundant in temperate regions with plenty of moss to feed on.
Glow Worm
Glow Worms
A special type of worm whose body contains a psychotropic alkaloid; used during Uniltron.
Gill Mantle
Gill mantle
A gelatinous marine animal that has entered into a symbiotic relationship with the Na'vi and provides them with breathing underwater.
Kite Manta
Graceful invertebrates that gently cruise through the air thanks to their extremely light bodies.
A huge aerial animal with long hunting tentacles, which lives in the Hallelujah Mountains area.
Sagittaria in A Visual Exploration
A squid-like creature that lives in fresh water and shoots down insects with precisely aimed jets of water.


Name Image Description
Manducus Taurus
Manducus Taurus
Generalized microneuroparasite
Navileria Orberum
Navileria Orberum
Generalized microneuroparasite
Pandorica Simbiotii
Pandorica Simbiotii
Generalized microneuroparasite
A virus of unknown origin that entered Pandora, probably via RDA spaceships.
Water Cleaning Colony
Water Cleaning Colony
A colonial species of bacteria that lives in Pandora's waters and destroys harmful chemicals.

Creatures mentioned & not used[]

Mentioned in the original 1995 script, but were not included in the Avatar franchise.

Name Image Description
Harpetooth N/A The harpetooth is a creature mentioned in Avatar: Reckoning. The harpetooth is a swift and fearsome hunter.
Manticore Concept-art1
A predatory beast, analogous to a thanator, but with claw-like forelimbs, like those of a praying mantis, and a poisonous stinger.
Moonwraiths N/A A type of insect whose swarms take on the appearance of a banshee in flight.
Pandoran otter
An aquatic creature resembling Terran otters that resides in reefs.
Slinth in A Visual Exploration
A relative of the slinger, a more agile and agile predator.
Spidery Creature
Spidery Creature
Spidery Creature
Wolf Tick
Wolf Tick in A Visual Exploration
A titanothere parasite, about a foot long.