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Avatar Wiki

Ryder Masterson is one of the controllable commanders from RDA side in Avatar: Pandora Rising mobile game.


Avatar: Pandora Rising[]

Dr. Ryder Masterson is one of the youngest avatar drivers and biofuel energy resources researchers at the RDA, and has lead several projects to try and uncover new energy sources to not only bolster RDA shareholders purses, but maybe stave off the global energy collapse and crisis.[1]


  • The old Pandorapedia mentioned there was only 20 avatar drivers as of 2154. As such, Ryder would be one of them because the human Lyle Wainfleet is seen beside him in his artwork. He could also be the unnamed male avatar. Whether or not he remained on Pandora is unclear. However, both the old Pandorapedia and Pandora Rising were dismissed as non-canon later.
  • He is one of the two avatar drivers named "Ryder", the other being Able Ryder.

