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The Sagittaria (Na'vi name: skuka) is a cephalopod-like creature in the waters of the Valley of Mo'ara with a hard shell to which it can retract fully for protection, and 14 muscular tentacles. Ten of the tentacles radiate out from the underside of the body - primarily for locomotion - and four near the mouth for prey attraction and feeding. Despite being an aquatic creature, its prey is small flying creatures. They take down their prey by spurting out jets of water.[1][2] The Sagittaria has a co-dependent relationship with the water bug Cerebellis Scapularis,[3] as well as one with the Reef Tick.[4]


  • Animal Kingdom's Wilderness Explorers program uses the connection between Sagittaria and the Cerebellis Scapularis to educate young parkgoers about symbiotic relationships between animals on Earth.[5][6]
  • The Sagittaria in the park are equipped with motion sensors. Waving and other arm movements may spur them into spraying out water which can splash guests.[7]


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