The Slinth (Na'vi name: Txumre') [1] is one of the fastest land predators on Pandora and the evolutionary precursor of the slinger.
The slinth is a large predator with a sleek, hexapedal body similar in appearance to a viperwolf. Its skin is grey with darker mottling and blue and yellow stripe going down its side. It has a single pair of small red eyes.
The slinth's face is usually covered by four segments of hard plate, protecting its fangs. These plates can open to reveal a bright yellow, terrifying threat display and two large, venomous lances that extend from either side of the slinth's face.
The slinth spends most of the day sleeping in the lower canopies of the Pandoran jungle, until it needs to feed. When it does, it is one of the fastest land predators on Pandora. It injects its prey with a powerful neurotoxin before eating it alive.
In Na'vi Culture[]
The Na'vi have perfected a method of extracting the slinth's venom without causing it harm. The venom is used for medicinal purposes.
Project 880[]
A xenobiologist, Hegner, while mourning the loss of his love, let himself be attacked by a slinth while connected to his avatar. His mind never recovered after reconnecting with his human body.
During the attack on Hell's Gate, a slinth followed the titanothere through the fence, which was highly unusual as they are mortal enemies. Josh is about to shoot the slinth, but his pistol is empty, and he is saved by N'deh. The slinth takes the two meter long arrow straight into its throat. The slinth coils over itself in agony like a snake, then shudders and lies twitching. N'deh takes the blood of the slinth on his finger and draws a line under one eye, then under the other, honoring the slinth and its purpose for existence.
Lyle Wainfleet also fought a slinth after it had killed a man near him.
- The slinth was never shown or mentioned in the first film.
- The slinth was mentioned in the mobile game Avatar: Pandora Rising.
- It had no written description of its appearance or visual representation until being featured in The World of Avatar: A Visual Exploration.
- Tuktirey has a knife made using its fang according to Avatar: The Way of Water: The Visual Dictionary.