Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

So, see this? This is all your memories and personality. We're going to send this back to Earth, where you're growing in a lab as we speak. We're gonna imprint you with this.
Parker Selfridge explaining to Quaritch how the Soul Drive works

The Soul Drive is a technology used by the Resources Development Administration for Project Phoenix. It allows humans to save or store (similar to a backup) their memories and personality in case of being seriously injured or killed.

The subject's "data" is stored in a special device that resembles a thumb drive, by being written onto crystal as thousands of layers of nanoscale etchings. It is then sent back to Earth and loaded by scientists into an avatar body to create a Recombinant.[1] This process must be done previous to the subject's death.


  • The name "Soul Drive" could be a reference to (or was inspired by) the multiple real-life scientific theories and studies that debate the existence of the 'human soul' and if it retains certain elements like personality or memories after someone dies.[2]
  • The idea of backing up a human consciousness into technology as data seems to have gained a lot of traction in pop culture throughout the 2010s. For example, it appears in the Black Mirror series as Cookies and in Altered Carbon series as Stacks.


