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Stagfly ants (Na'vi name: Läkri) are tiny but durable flying insects that live in hives.

They have two pairs of feet for scurrying around their hive, and two pairs of wings, enabling them to fly in search of fruits to eat. A pair of large mandibles at their mouth serve as a defensive weapon, and a carrying tool, capable of holding up to sixty times their own body weight.

Swarms of stagfly ants construct sizable mounds which they use for nesting. They are highly territorial and protective of their home when threatened. They fight as a swarm, surrounding a target and clamping their powerful jaws down in a deep bite.

Stagfly ants use the unconsumed remains of their fruits to decorate the inside of their mounds. This enhances the nutrient richness of the mound and is believed to be considered aesthetically pleasing for the ants inside.

Na'vi Culture[]

Some Na'vi use the stagfly ants in teachings about harvesting during a hunt. As stagfly ants find purpose for the entirety of the fruits they consume, so too should a Na'vi find purpose for every element of Eywa's creatures that they hunt. Never leave anything to waste.
