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Stone jars (Na'vi name: chan'tu gor'ek nuuto) are specifically built containers used in ceremonies; most notably during the rite of passage Uniltaron, or "Dream Hunt". There are several of these jars in Vayaha Village.


The stone jars are used by Na'vi warriors for keeping his or her own captured arachnoid.

Materials and Construction[]

Local stone is carved, then attached to carved stone base using woven materials, twine, and reeds. This jar holds a small, toxic arachnoid. The poison from the scorpion-like insect causes drug-induced hallucinations. The Na'vi believe that the hallucinations are visions that convey the fate of the Na'vi who has been stung. The arachnoid is used in conjunction with a psychoactive alkaloid found in a bioluminescent purple worm.


  • The Na'vi name for stone jars, from the Activist Survival Guide, is incorrect, as it contains a c, an h in a consonant cluster, a glottal stop in a consonant cluster, a g and a repeated vowel.[1] Due to the book no longer being considered canon,[2] the name is likely not canon.


