Do you know what we call someone who is nearly dead? Still alive. Hee hee hee...Syanan to So'lek.
Syanan is a member of the Tawkami clan. She is one of the controllable commanders from Na'vi side in Avatar: Pandora Rising mobile game. She also appears in the comic Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora — So'lek's Journey.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora — So'lek's Journey[]
During his long journey, in 2162, So'lek arrived in the lands of Tawkami Clan, where he was attacked by viperwolves, and is left under the care of the clan, with Syanan responsible for treating his wounds. After So'lek recovered, Syanan began showing him the local plants, naming each one. She laughed a lot (which made So'lek think she was a little crazy), but continued to encourage his interest in herbalism, even if he ended up choosing the wrong plants.
After a group was rescued from a cave in which they were trapped, Syanan treated the injured. Thanks to her and So'lek, who helped with the treatment, the three gatherers were saved and at night So'lek prepared to continue his journey. With a final joke, Syanan and the rest of the Tawkami bid him farewell and So'lek continued on his way.
In the Games[]
Avatar: Pandora Rising[]
Syanan has one rule and one rule only, Live big. Even though she's young and has not gone though the Tawkami Clan iknimaya or the other clan rites of passage, Syanan has found every conceivable way of living her life to the fullest.[1]