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The TOXON-81 MANPAD Missile Launcher[1] is the RDA's quintessential MANPAD air defense missile launching system used against hostile Pandoran aerial fauna. It is big enough to be used by both normal Humans and Na'vi (as well as Recombinants and avatars).


As a MANPADS, the TOXON-81 MANPAD Missile Launcher is designed exclusively for anti-aircraft purposes. The missile system has been adapted for use on Pandora by adding a targeting system that can lock onto biological signatures.[1] Given its heat signature nature, the TOXON is treated as a "fire-and-forget" weapon by the RDA.[1]

AM6 missile

The AM6/75L "Fire Arrow" Guided Munition

The missile in question is an AM6/75L "Fire Arrow" Guided Munition, a modular missile package that is specialized for use against different aerial targets, greatly enhancing its versatility.[1]

Service history[]

During the events of Avatar: The Way of Water, Jake Sully's forces manage to attain a couple of these weapons from the RDA Mag-Lev Train, turning these weapons upon the defending Seawasps and Kestrel Gunships. They were informally referred to as "Stingers" by Norm Spellman.[2]


  • The TOXON-81 visually resembles the Mk 153 SMAW, an anti-fortification and anti-tank rocket launcher used by the U.S. Marines.
  • Norm's referral to the TOXON-81 as a "Stinger" is a reference to the FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air defense system currently used by the U.S. military, a similar albeit much older system to the TOXON-81.


