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Earlier this week on Reddit, Joshua Izzo, author of The World of Avatar: A Visual Exploration replied to a user stating that the Huyuticaya Clan, Ni'awve Clan, Tomac'ta Clan, and Li'ona Clan are no longer canon.

Here's the reddit thread and here's the proof that I asked for that this is the real Joshua Izzo.

With this in mind there are a few conclusions that can be drawn. The Ni'awve clan appears in James Cameron's Avatar (iOS/Android) which I already speculated to be retconned thanks to Avatar: Adapt or Die, but I think it's now safe to say that this game is not considered canon to Avatar lore.

The Li'ona clan not being canon puts the canonicity of James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (Wii/PSP) into question as well, as the game prominently features the Li'ona clan. This would also make sense: Rai'uk visits Grace's schoolhouse and meets Grace, but the Wii/PSP game takes place approximately 15 years before the film and the schoolhouse was only open for 10 relative to the first film. Bit sad, because this was one of the better games in the franchise, but alas. Also, as a sidenote, this doesn't mean the Anurai Clan are not canon since they were repurposed later for Toruk: The First Flight and reappear in Visual Exploration. But it likely means that their lore within the game is not canon anymore, i.e. being wiped out of existence.

The Huyuticaya and Tomac'ta clans are simpler: the Huyuticaya were only featured in the concept stages for Project 880 and were never fleshed out past that point. The Tomac'ta were just a name on Pandorapedia and the Activist Survival Guide.