Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

Hello there.[]

I assume you're having fun with my previous post, "my Ideas as they are now" and are looking for this new post. well, this is it.

so far, I've got one of the Character sheets already made, and that leads to an interesting question, why am I making them?

it's simple, I keep a copy of all character sheets and how they interact, that way I can put this all into a nice and neat list in my head. I've got one player currently (looking for a group of up to 6, max. minimum of 4). as well, for that player, I'm making the Exosuit more details, and removing other options if I can get around to it. I'll also do a nice little section for the Exosuit.


the human race is similar to the D&D game (the racial increase and variant system) except each gains some universal features and traits.

Racial ASI: gain a +1 to all scores (for the player who I've already got a character sheet in the works, I've got this already worked out for you, you need only remember it for later)

Humans Ability: your size is Medium, and you have a speed of 30'. you also take one feat from the list, which some gain increases at certain levels.

Feat: Humans Marksman: you are adept at making each shot count, which helps in certain ways. they are helpful as follows:

  • you gain PROF in all rifles and SR's, no matter how you use them.
  • when firing in Semi Auto, when you take a second action to attack, you gain Advantage on the attack roll so long as the enemy hasn't moved more than 15' and they are distracted (such as fighting another enemy or trying to resist a grapple).
  • when you fire, you can change the damage from Lethal to Nonlethal by aiming for the knees of legs of an enemy. when you do this, you have disadvantage on the attack roll, but if you hit you deal less damage (-8 damage) and knock the enemy to the ground. they must make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw or fall badly, meaning they must make a full action to go prone, and then they can stand up.
  • when you fire a stun weapon (such as a Taser or Shock Rifle), you can change the damage to Lethal by aiming for the head of the foe. you have disadvantage on the attack roll, but if you hit you instantly stun them and all damage is considered lethal towards the foe. this is best used to dispatch weak foes or stun powerful ones.

Feat: Human Mechanic: gain the ability to fix mechanical items and tech faster than anyone else. it is helpful in these ways:

  • increase your INT by 2.
  • when a Construct or other mechanical device takes damage of any kind, so long as they are not immune to it, you can attempt to repair a component that was hit. attempt a Engineering check (Engineering is considered to be Arcana for the sake of simplicity, we're not adding in a whole new skill with no preface). this Engineering check equals 8+ the damage taken, up to 12. if you complete it, you fix the component enough to last it until it can be properly attended to, but in exchange it has Vulnerability to all damage unless it is immune to it, in which case it ignores the Vulnerability.
  • 7th level: you have learned to better fix Constructs, allowing for you to repair faster or better. when you attempt an Engineering check to repair a machine, you can take half as much time as before to repair it, or you can repair it better than before in exchange for the full time. this also increases the DC to 8+ damage taken, up to 16. if you choose to repair it better, it no longer gains Vulnerability to all damage except damage it is immune to.

Feat: Human Combatant: directly after a kill, a synthetic adrenaline gland rushes to reward you, reinforcing bad habits some would say, but also effectively doubling reaction speed and making sure you can survive just a little more. it works into this mechanic.

  • when you kill a creature, time slows for you and you only. you can take twice as many actions as normal, except for moving (still only one unless you dash, and dash can only be done once) allowing for four attacks if you have the Extra Attack feature, or two attacks if you have the normal attacking capabilities. as well, instead of attacking twice, you can attack and take a Disengage, Dodge, or Dash action, allowing for supreme combat capabilities. this lasts for one round or until you take damage, whichever is first.
  • whenever this ability is activated, you gain an extra amount of HP equal to your level, allowing for near vampiric healing from your foes.

Adaptation: you are much more readily adpatable than most other creatures, allowing for you to survive a litle easier. you have advantage on Survival checks, and have the (rare) ability to enter a Adrenaline state whenever you are in extreme danger. while in an Adrenaline state, you gain the Pain Tolerance and Slowed Surroundings traits, which are described below. this lasts for 1 minute.

Pain Tolerance: you do not feel as much pain as you should, granting you Resistance to all damage until the effect wears off. however, once it wears off, you feel all normal pain and all damage you ignored is dealt to you in that instant, which is considered Nonlethal for the sake of damage type.

Slowed Surroundings: you can react twice as fast as normal, allowing for twice as many actions as normal. as well, when you attack, you can take an additional action directly after it to Dash, Disengage, or Dodge. this cannot be used if you use all actions on attacking or any other actions.

SUBRACES: HUMAN: Learner, Fighter.

Learner: gain +1 Int in addition to your normal features, but take a -1 to a Score of your choice besides INT.

Fighter:​​​ take a +1 to Dexterity or Strength, but in exchange take a -1 to a score of your choice, besides the one you increase. in addition, gain PROF with AR's or Shotguns (your choice).

the classes are as follows.


standard infantry unit, has expertise using and abusing weaponry of all types: Archtypes: LVL 1: Triggerman, Recon, Run'n'Gun, Spray'n'Pray, Rocketeer, Shouter.

PROF: all weapons, Light and Medium armor. one language (only the swear words of that language)

Archetypes: Triggerman: gain the option to attack faster than normal when you attack. you effectively can attack twice, instead of once, on your turn.

Archetypes: Recon: gain advantage on one attack roll a turn so long as you do not move and use a Bonus Action to hold your breath.

Archetypes: Run'n'Gun: you loose prof with all Weapon, instead gaining prof with all Melee and SMG's, Rifles, and Pistols. gain the Hard Target trait (while running or dashing, all attacks against you have Disadvantage)

Archetypes: Spray'n'Pray: gain PROF with Explosive Packs (a tool) and Satchels (a tool). as well as gain PROF with heavy armor. When wearing Heaby Armor, gain the Block Reaction (+3 AC as you throw your specialized tech into the way of the bullet. your specialized tech is the Block tech, which basically is your reaction).

Archetypes: Rocketeer: gain PROF with Heavy Armor, Grenades (a tool), and Satchels. when using Explosives and you're subjected to the damage, you have Resistance to all damage dealt.

Archetypes: Shouter: gain Advantage when using Shotguns of any type, as well as making it impossible for you to be stealthy when firing a Shotgun (all enemies able to hear the blast can try to pinpoint it, with advantage).

CLASSES DESCRIPTION: HUMAN: Scientist: a learner, generally isn't useful in a fight, but serves great for researching, development, stuff like that. you know, the scholars and technicians (pardon the spelling, not sure if it's right). Archetypes: LVL 1: Biologist, Chemist, Technician.

Archetypes: Biologist: gain the ability to Dissect and analyze strategies of enemy alien lifeforms, allowing for you to shout to your teammates and grant them advantage on all attack rolls against that enemy. this take three rounds to complete, all of which you must concentrate (as if on a spell).

Archetypes: Chemist: gain the ability to make explosives on the fly, so long as you have the proper chemicals on hand. it's assumed the squad carries the entire requires materials for one explosve, unless specified.

Archetypes: Technician: Jack of all trades: gain PROF with all ​​​​Skills, so long as they're Intelligence or Wisdom related (Charisma, Strength, and Dexterity are considered outside of the area of a Technician).


a Human augmented by a massive Exosuit, usually they're minorly proficient at repairing their suit, but they're the tanks of the Humans. Archetypes: Gunner, Mechanic, Brute.

PROF: SMG's, Rifles, Pistols, Light and Medium armor, Exosuit Tech (such as Block Tech or Explosive Rounds Tech, considered a toolset), one language of their choice (usually the swear words, can include a few important ones like water, food, and home).

going more into this, they basically gain the ability to use and weaponize Exosuits, which are basically a second skin with HP all their own. they count as a Construct, but I'll go further into this with the Exosuit.

Traits: 1st level: Arhcetype, Exosuit Beginner.

Traits: 2nd level: Exosuit Bull Rush, repair kit.

Traits: 3rd level: Orders are Orders, Exosuit Novice.

Archetype Features: Gunner: 1st level: when you pick this archetype, you gain a heavy weapon that your Exosuit can weild in two hands. while you pick this weapon, and therefore they have different damage and properties, you don't pick the trait that comes with the gun. these increase at fourth level.

Sniper: gain a two handed Sniper with the ability to lock onto enemies perfectly. if you take the time to attack with this weapon, you can choose to track the target and in exchange make no further attacks. make the first attack roll as normal. if the targets moves since you fire the next shot (which is during the turn of the next entity in the initiative order) it automatically gains no benefit of Dodge or Disengage, and you make the attack roll with advantage.

Sniper Damage: 3d12+DEX modifier, as well as a bonus 20 damage automatically.

AR: gain a two handed Assault Rifle which can tear through powerful enemies and completely obliterate unprepared enemies. gains the Burstfire trait; when you shoot with this weapon, you can switch it to burstfire. doing this is part of the attack option, and you can use a bonus action to attack again, but with disadvantage. making the weapon Burstfire makes it fire three shots instead of one, leading to three total attack rolls and therefore three different opportunities to hit.

AR damage: 3d10+DEX modifier, as well as an automatic 15 damage.

Minigun: mow down unprepared foes with this Heavy, Two handed weapon. while it lacks raw firepower, it has huge bonuses to rate of fire and its skill allows you to automatically lock onto enemies. the minigun gains the trait SMART.

SMART: when you fire the minigun, you can activate a special skill built into the gun to effectively track all enemies in your viewport. this allows you to attack without missing, meaning you still make the attacks, but you instead roll a d20. if you roll a 5 or less, then you malfunction and the shots jam, a 1 ends up in you attacking yourself, and anything above 5 is a automatic hit. however, you must take a break to repair your Exosuit, which usually takes about the time of a Long Rest, except with no other benefits.

Minigun damage: 6d6+DEX modifier. you gain no automatic damage, but you can instead attack five times per turn, instead of once. each attack must be with the minigun.

at Fourth level you gain a knife, which can be used to execute a enemy one size smaller if they're surprised, or you have Advantage on the attack roll. 

EXOSUIT: counting as a Huge Construct, this behemoth beast is able to mow down enemies without a gun, yet still uses one often. the bulk of Exosuit pilots are Gunners, but a few are Field Mechanics or even Brutes, bigger, badder units that only use Melee weaponry but use them extensively.

here's the stat block of the creature, which is on D&D beyond, just to let you know. be aware that the chellenge rating is entirely inaccurate, as well. the Exosuit cannot be a single 1/8 challenge. maybe around 4-10, not sure though. if someone wants to help, it's most welcome. Exosuit on D&D Beyond


the main healers of the humans, has extensive field medical knowledge, usually brought along with a Technician or two. not at all a fighter, some refuse to, but great at their job of healing people. doesn't have an archetype as of now (waiting until someone picks it). gain PROf in the Healers kit, and up to Medium armor.

PROF: Healers Kit (tool), one language of your choice, Light, Medium armor. the Healers Feat (as seen in the Players Handbook).

no weaponry or serious armor, but they do gain two Healers Kits, an Advanced Healers kit (for healing more health and having better healing options), and a Surgery Kit (for removing wounds from those that are dying from a critical hit or worse)


here are the weapons that inhabit this campaign, which will only be listed by catagory, not specific weaponry (it's the same as the PC gamge that every knows, which you can find on this wiki. some types are modified from the game).

Melee: this includes everything from lead pipes to crowbars to sledgehammers to Plasma Torches. some are duplicated or have a tool use (when I say duplicated I mean they're a tool or other item as well, now I copied them twice).

SMG: fast firing, lighter damage, good range.

Pistol: lighter but a standard carry option. one handed as well.

LMG: heavier weaponry. movement reduced by 10' while using one.

HMG: heaviest weaponry usuall.y reduces speed by 15'.

GL: light but powerful. reserved for when ammo is assured.

Rifle: potent but slower firing.

Shotgun: powerful but slower firing and short range

SR: long ranged, powerful, but limited ammo and single fire.

AR: the standard with which all other weapons are compared. otherwise known as the average.

Flame: overpowered weaponry with huge ammo clips and massive damage. can set enemies alight if used extensively.


I know, I know, I should include this part, but this will only complicate the game for now and so I'll come to this crossroads when I am absolutely forced to. let's begin with some important racial items, such as Size, Speed, Alignment, ASI, and Trait 1. I will not be including age in this, basically slap one on yourself.

Racial ASI: you gain a +1 to two scores of your choice (usually one of the 'hard' scores), and a +1 to Wisdom.

Alignment: you feature an aversion towards chaos, but do not entirely reject it. while evil Na'vi are rare, they can be born from those taken at birth and trained by humans, or those controlled by Humans. these are usually considered Avatars, however, and so exclude that last reason. this leads most Na'vi to be Lawful or Neutral Good. Lawful Neutral is not unheard of.

Speed: you are faster than most humans, as well as being more agile and dexterous than a human. your speed is 40'.

Size: your size is large, which affects all normal aspects of the game, such as carry capacity and entering-exiting buildings meant for Humans.

Gift of Ewya (pardon the spelling): you can spend a long rest to bond with a creature that otherwise would be hostile to you. this creature must have this feature, but other than that it has no limitations (hostile creature can try to kill you until you're bonded, whereupon they will stop). here are the general rules for bonding and how two creatures share a bond.

Maintian the Bond: while you are bonded, some creatures (marked with this passage) will not allow you to bond with another of the same species. such as an Ikran or Toruk. while they're fine with the "Horses" and Thanators, they will not allow you to have more than one of their kind.

Release the Bond: all creatures (even if it is not notated) have this feature, and it states at any time they may break their bond. usually this means the creature flies or rides off on its own, wild but able to remember you. this is usually important with those that have Maintain the Bond, as this effectively allows you to break off contact with them. Ikrans and Toruks do not have this option, they will only bond with one hunter, or they will die.

Strengthen the Bond: the longer a Bond is maintained (whether with an individual or a species) the more the Na'vi can strengthen the bond, growing more accustomed to them. this results in level increases as well, allowing for increased HP as such. it works into this mechanic:

whenever you level up, you gain an additional THP equal to your level, which lasts indefinitely. as well, you gain a d8 as a Healing Die, which can be used to heal your mount on the fly. you can use these all at once or one at a time, and each heals the amount they roll (they heal you and your mount, as well, you do not add any modifiers, even if it says you would normally). however, the next part of the Bond must be respected as well.

Death of the Bond: when a rider or mount dies in combat, the mount or rider always has a 50% chance of dying on the spot. this is especially true of Avatars, who are so deeply linked that if their Avatar dies, they suffer a 75% chance of dying. it works into this mechanic.

roll a d100. for the 50%, you can use one of two methods, for the 75%, you must use the one provided unless a better one is provided that still works.

50%: on a even roll, the person lives, on an odd roll, the person dies.

50%: roll a 51 or higher and you live.

75%: roll a 76 or higher and you live.
