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Victor Morgado is one of the controllable commanders from RDA side in Avatar: Pandora Rising mobile game.


Victor Morgado has worked in just about every region on Earth, defending corporations from local uprisings. Over the years, indiscriminately firing on insurgents and civilians alike started to make him indifferent and detached. On Pandora, however, his sense of apathy evaporated as soon as he gunned down his first herd of Sturmbeest. Mowing down Pandoran wildlife from the Swan's gunner roost is now his happy place. He's quiet guy, and not one the other mercs would want to have a beer with, but he's definitely the guy they call when it's time to go on a recon tour into dangerous Na'vi territory.[1]


  • Morgado's original splash art in-game featured several Na'vi war trophies attached to his gun and body armor, including a severed Na'vi queue. Likely due to the graphic nature of these items, they have since been removed.[2]


