The willow tree is a plant native to Pandora. It is capable of growing both above and below ground, as exemplified by one that grew in the Cavern of Songs. It resembles the terran willow and the Tree of Voices. The tree's long branches are neural links, similar to the Na'vi queues, which connect Eywa to the flora and fauna of the moon. As a critical part of this neural system, willows are sacred to the Na'vi.
Avatar: The Game[]
In the console game, willow trees are pivotal to the plot in both storylines. The player has to gather unobtanium shards in the region and then place them around the tree to withdraw a harmonic. These harmonics are important, because together, they reveal the location of the dormant Well of Souls.
In the Nintendo DS game, Anthony Ossman makes it his mission to go after the willow trees.
In the PC/PS3/360 version of the game, one willow tree is found in every region, with the exception of the Plains of Goliath, Iknimaya and the Blue Lagoon.